People Profession Connectors

How you can empower people from all backgrounds starting out in HR, L&D and OD.

Help a CIPD student take the next step in the people profession 

We’re helping individuals facing challenges to overcome barriers to a career in HR, L&D and OD. As part of this, we award bursaries to those experiencing financial hardship to help them gain a CIPD qualification – but this is just the beginning. When you’re starting out in a new career, it can help to hear from people who have been there before.

We’re looking for experienced people professionals to have brief, informal conversations with students who have received CIPD Trust bursaries.

Your insight into how careers work in HR, L&D and OD could be invaluable to someone who is coming to the end of their qualification. Whether you speak with them once or several times over a few months, you could be the connection which gets their career off to the best possible start. As someone who has ‘been there and done that’ you have the opportunity to share your experience, network and professional knowledge to support our aim to diversify the people profession. 

We're currently not recruiting for People Profession Connectors

If you'd like to join this programme in the future

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How does it work?

Register on our online platform, where you will join our pool of People Profession Connectors by creating a profile describing your experience and what you can help with. Students will create their own profiles on the platform and match with you to request a connection. Once connected, you will arrange to speak with each other either on the phone or video call. You and the student may agree to subsequent meetings or you may only meet once.

What’s the commitment?

The commitment is likely to be no more than one hour a month. Students will connect with you on an ongoing basis. Students will connect with people based on their interests and experience so we cannot guarantee the number of connections that will be made. You’ll have the option to reject connections or place your availability on pause if you are not able to commit to the programme.

Who will I be speaking to?

Students on the People Profession Connections programme have all received CIPD Trust bursaries which are awarded on an individual basis. You can read more about the CIPD Trust bursary scheme here.

What should I talk to the students about?

This programme is an opportunity for students to learn more about careers in the people profession. They may have questions that they would like you to answer but we also suggest that you share your own experience including what progression looks like in the organisations that you have worked in. 

Who can be involved?

Anyone who is currently working in HR, L&D or OD can give time to this programme. We ask that you are not currently studying a CIPD qualification. CIPD membership is not a requirement but is beneficial. 

Any questions?

Send us your question, along with your contact details, and we’ll get back to you very soon.

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Opportunities to volunteer your expertise

Discover how you can use your skills to tackle barriers to work


Support a person with a conviction to find work

Empower people with experience of the criminal justice system to re-enter the workplace and thrive.

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Four people in a college library environment.

Mentor a parent returning to the workforce

Boost the confidence of a parent and help them find the right job to return to.

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Support a woman in prison back to work

Use your expertise in employee development and recruitment to help someone to re-enter the workplace and thrive.

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Mentor a refugee to succeed in work

Use your unique skills to support refugees to re-enter the workplace in the UK and develop in existing roles.

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