Coach young jobseekers to find work

How you can use your hiring experience and insight to help young people start their career.

Help someone get their career started

Getting into work can be daunting for anyone. For some it involves overcoming significant barriers, and it can require a level of self-confidence that can be difficult for those without recent work experience.

That’s where you come in. As an expert in the recruitment process, you know what employers are looking for. Who is better placed to help others navigate their way into good work, step by step? You can give a jobseeker the inside track on the practicalities – job search, CV, application and interview skills. You’re equipped to ask the questions that raise self-awareness, boost confidence, tap into potential and prepare someone to give their best at work.

I had recently graduated from university and was looking for a job when I was recommended this mentoring program to help with my search. My mentor was very friendly and very engaged with what I had to say and with finding ways to help me. The most valuable thing I learned was to broaden my search and be open-minded when looking for work. Sometimes the road to where I want to be may not be simple.”

Sajid, Trainee CAD Designer

How does it work?

  • The programme runs on a cohort basis. Register your interest below and we’ll let you know when the next cohort is due to begin.
  • We’ll have a chat with you about the programme and how you can help.
  • You’ll sign up to our online platform and match with a jobseeker.
  • You’ll coach them to find work for up to 6 months.
  • Generally coaching sessions take place once a month but frequency and duration of sessions are agreed by coach and jobseeker during dates and times that suit both.
  • Sessions happen online either in our dedicated platform or on your preferred platform or phone call.

Register your interest

Make the most of your expertise

We welcome HR professionals as job search coaches and we look for people working at different levels in different organisations and sectors.

What matters most is that you know your way round the recruitment process, so that you can support jobseekers as they:

  • find opportunities, assess their suitability and access them.
  • identify their unique talents and demonstrate them.
  • write their CVs, job applications, cover letters and personal profiles.
  • prepare for interviews and build their networks.
  • manage their confidence and prepare for employment.

If this is you, we’ll provide the information to get you started, connect you with a jobseeker, and support you in making the most of your valuable expertise.

Frequently asked questions

What can I gain from becoming a job search coach?

  • Increased awareness of job search challenges. for young people
  • A new challenge and the chance to change someone’s life.
  • The satisfaction of using your expertise to help people find good, fair work.
  • Opportunities to meet new people, broaden your network and gain new perspectives.
  • Practice your mentoring and coaching skills.
  • Support for your Continual Professional Development (CPD).

What is the commitment?

  • To maintain a minimum 12-month involvement in the programme
  • To be available to support at least one jobseeker within three months of joining
  • To commit to coaching sessions at least every month for the duration of the coaching relationship.
  • To be available to coach at least one jobseeker every 12 months.

What skills and experience do I need?

  • Experience of different recruitment and selection methods.
  • An understanding of coaching methods.
  • Experience working in Recruitment, Human Resources, Learning and Development or Organisational Design at any level.

Any questions?

Send us your question, along with your contact details, and we’ll get back to you very soon.

Get in touch

Opportunities to volunteer your expertise

Discover how you can use your skills to tackle barriers to work


Support a person with a conviction to find work

Empower people with experience of the criminal justice system to re-enter the workplace and thrive.

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Four people in a college library environment.

Mentor a parent returning to the workforce

Boost the confidence of a parent and help them find the right job to return to.

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Support a woman in prison back to work

Use your expertise in employee development and recruitment to help someone to re-enter the workplace and thrive.

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Mentor a refugee to succeed in work

Use your unique skills to support refugees to re-enter the workplace in the UK and develop in existing roles.

Find out more